The comment_form_comments_closed WordPress PHP action fires after the comment form if comments are closed.
add_action('comment_form_comments_closed', 'your_custom_function'); function your_custom_function() { // your custom code here }
- None
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: comment_form_comments_closed
Display a message when comments are closed
Display a custom message to users when the comments are closed.
add_action('comment_form_comments_closed', 'display_comments_closed_message'); function display_comments_closed_message() { echo "<p><strong>Comments are closed for this post. Please check back later for new discussions.</strong></p>"; }
Show a contact form when comments are closed
Display a contact form for users to get in touch with the website owner when comments are closed.
add_action('comment_form_comments_closed', 'show_contact_form'); function show_contact_form() { echo do_shortcode('[contact-form-7 id="123" title="Contact form"]'); }
Display a call to action when comments are closed
Encourage users to join your newsletter when comments are closed on a post.
add_action('comment_form_comments_closed', 'display_newsletter_cta'); function display_newsletter_cta() { echo "<p><strong>Join our newsletter to stay updated on the latest discussions and more!</strong></p>"; echo do_shortcode('[newsletter_signup_form]'); }
Show related posts when comments are closed
Display a list of related posts to keep users engaged when comments are closed.
add_action('comment_form_comments_closed', 'display_related_posts'); function display_related_posts() { if (function_exists('related_posts')) { related_posts(); } }
Show social sharing buttons when comments are closed
Display social sharing buttons for users to share the post when comments are closed.
add_action('comment_form_comments_closed', 'display_social_sharing_buttons'); function display_social_sharing_buttons() { echo do_shortcode('[social_sharing_buttons]'); }