The load_feed_engine WordPress PHP action fires before MagpieRSS is loaded, allowing you to optionally replace it.
add_action('load_feed_engine', 'your_custom_function'); function your_custom_function() { // your custom code here }
- None
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: load_feed_engine
Replacing MagpieRSS with SimplePie
Replace the default MagpieRSS feed engine with SimplePie:
add_action('load_feed_engine', 'replace_with_simplepie'); function replace_with_simplepie() { if (!class_exists('SimplePie')) { require_once('path/to/simplepie/'); } }
Customizing the cache duration of MagpieRSS
Extend the cache duration for MagpieRSS:
add_action('load_feed_engine', 'extend_magpie_cache_duration'); function extend_magpie_cache_duration() { define('MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE', 3600 * 12); // 12 hours }
Disabling caching for MagpieRSS
Disable caching for MagpieRSS:
add_action('load_feed_engine', 'disable_magpie_cache'); function disable_magpie_cache() { define('MAGPIE_CACHE_ON', false); }
Loading a custom feed engine
Load a custom feed engine:
add_action('load_feed_engine', 'load_custom_feed_engine'); function load_custom_feed_engine() { require_once('path/to/your/custom/feed/engine.php'); }
Replacing MagpieRSS with a custom feed engine class
Replace MagpieRSS with a custom feed engine class:
add_action('load_feed_engine', 'replace_with_custom_feed_engine'); function replace_with_custom_feed_engine() { require_once('path/to/your/custom/feed/engine.php'); class RSSCache extends Custom_Feed_Engine_Cache {} }