The load-{$plugin_page} WordPress PHP action fires before a particular plugin screen is loaded. This hook is for plugin screens where the file to load is directly included, rather than using a function. The dynamic portion of the hook name, $plugin_page
, refers to the plugin basename.
add_action('load-{plugin_basename}', 'your_custom_function'); function your_custom_function() { // your custom code here }
- $plugin_page (string): The plugin basename, which is the dynamic part of the hook name.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: load-{$plugin_page}
Prevent access to a specific plugin page
Prevent access to a specific plugin page based on user capabilities.
add_action('load-my_plugin_page', 'restrict_access_to_plugin_page'); function restrict_access_to_plugin_page() { if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.')); } }
Enqueue custom CSS and JS for a plugin page
Enqueue custom CSS and JS files only when a specific plugin page is being loaded.
add_action('load-custom_plugin_page', 'enqueue_custom_assets'); function enqueue_custom_assets() { wp_enqueue_style('custom-plugin-css', 'path/to/custom-plugin.css'); wp_enqueue_script('custom-plugin-js', 'path/to/custom-plugin.js'); }
Add a custom meta box to a plugin page
Add a custom meta box to a specific plugin page.
add_action('load-my_plugin_page', 'add_custom_meta_box'); function add_custom_meta_box() { add_meta_box('custom-meta-box', 'Custom Meta Box', 'custom_meta_box_callback', 'my_plugin_page', 'normal', 'high'); } function custom_meta_box_callback($post) { // your custom code here }
Modify screen options for a plugin page
Modify the screen options for a specific plugin page.
add_action('load-custom_plugin_page', 'modify_screen_options'); function modify_screen_options() { $screen = get_current_screen(); $screen->add_option('custom_option', 'Custom option description'); }
Execute custom code when a specific plugin page is loaded
Execute custom code only when a specific plugin page is being loaded.
add_action('load-custom_plugin_page', 'execute_custom_code'); function execute_custom_code() { // your custom code here }