The pre_get_search_form WordPress PHP action fires before the search form is retrieved, at the start of get_search_form()
add_action('pre_get_search_form', 'your_custom_function', 10, 1); function your_custom_function($args) { // Your custom code here return $args; }
(array): The array of arguments for building the search form. Seeget_search_form()
for information on accepted arguments.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: pre_get_search_form
Modify the ARIA label
Modify the ARIA label for the search form.
add_action('pre_get_search_form', 'modify_aria_label', 10, 1); function modify_aria_label($args) { $args['aria_label'] = 'Custom ARIA label'; return $args; }
Change the search form to be returned instead of echoed
Change the search form to be returned instead of echoed.
add_action('pre_get_search_form', 'return_search_form', 10, 1); function return_search_form($args) { $args['echo'] = false; return $args; }
Add a custom class to the search form
Add a custom class to the search form.
add_action('pre_get_search_form', 'add_custom_class', 10, 1); function add_custom_class($args) { $args['class'] = 'custom-search-form'; return $args; }
Modify the search form placeholder text
Modify the search form placeholder text.
add_action('pre_get_search_form', 'modify_search_placeholder', 10, 1); function modify_search_placeholder($args) { $args['placeholder'] = 'Enter your custom search query'; return $args; }
Change the search button text
Change the search button text.
add_action('pre_get_search_form', 'change_search_button_text', 10, 1); function change_search_button_text($args) { $args['submit_label'] = 'Find it!'; return $args; }