The close_comments_for_post_types WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the list of post types for which comments should be automatically closed.
add_filter('close_comments_for_post_types', 'your_custom_function_name'); function your_custom_function_name($post_types) { // your custom code here return $post_types; }
- $post_types (string[]): An array of post type names.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: close_comments_for_post_types
Close comments for custom post type “books”
Close comments automatically for the “books” custom post type:
add_filter('close_comments_for_post_types', 'close_comments_for_books'); function close_comments_for_books($post_types) { $post_types[] = 'books'; return $post_types; }
Close comments for pages
Automatically close comments for all pages:
add_filter('close_comments_for_post_types', 'close_comments_for_pages'); function close_comments_for_pages($post_types) { $post_types[] = 'page'; return $post_types; }
Close comments for multiple custom post types
Close comments for custom post types “books” and “movies”:
add_filter('close_comments_for_post_types', 'close_comments_for_multiple_post_types'); function close_comments_for_multiple_post_types($post_types) { $post_types[] = 'books'; $post_types[] = 'movies'; return $post_types; }
Open comments for posts
Remove “post” from the list of post types to have open comments:
add_filter('close_comments_for_post_types', 'open_comments_for_posts'); function open_comments_for_posts($post_types) { $key = array_search('post', $post_types); if ($key !== false) { unset($post_types[$key]); } return $post_types; }
Close comments for all post types
Close comments for all post types by returning an empty array:
add_filter('close_comments_for_post_types', 'close_comments_for_all_post_types'); function close_comments_for_all_post_types($post_types) { return array(); }