Using WordPress ‘comment_form_submit_button’ PHP filter

The comment_form_submit_button WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the HTML markup for the submit button displayed in the comment form.


add_filter('comment_form_submit_button', 'my_custom_submit_button', 10, 2);

function my_custom_submit_button($submit_button, $args) {
    // your custom code here
    return $submit_button;


  • $submit_button (string): HTML markup for the submit button.
  • $args (array): Arguments passed to comment_form().

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: comment_form_submit_button


Change the submit button text

Change the text displayed on the submit button.

add_filter('comment_form_submit_button', 'my_custom_submit_text', 10, 2);

function my_custom_submit_text($submit_button, $args) {
    $submit_button = str_replace('Post a comment', 'Submit your comment', $submit_button);
    return $submit_button;

Add a custom CSS class to the submit button

Add a custom CSS class to the submit button for styling purposes.

add_filter('comment_form_submit_button', 'my_custom_submit_class', 10, 2);

function my_custom_submit_class($submit_button, $args) {
    $submit_button = str_replace('class="submit"', 'class="submit my-custom-class"', $submit_button);
    return $submit_button;

Add a custom attribute to the submit button

Add a custom attribute, such as data-custom-attribute, to the submit button.

add_filter('comment_form_submit_button', 'my_custom_submit_attribute', 10, 2);

function my_custom_submit_attribute($submit_button, $args) {
    $submit_button = str_replace('type="submit"', 'type="submit" data-custom-attribute="example"', $submit_button);
    return $submit_button;

Change the submit button type

Change the submit button type from submit to button.

add_filter('comment_form_submit_button', 'my_custom_submit_type', 10, 2);

function my_custom_submit_type($submit_button, $args) {
    $submit_button = str_replace('type="submit"', 'type="button"', $submit_button);
    return $submit_button;

Add an icon to the submit button

Add an icon inside the submit button using Font Awesome or similar icon libraries.

add_filter('comment_form_submit_button', 'my_custom_submit_icon', 10, 2);

function my_custom_submit_icon($submit_button, $args) {
    $icon = '<i class="fas fa-comment"></i> ';
    $submit_button = str_replace('value="Post a comment"', 'value="' . $icon . 'Post a comment"', $submit_button);
    return $submit_button;