Using WordPress ‘comment_url’ PHP filter

The comment_url WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the comment author’s URL for display.


add_filter('comment_url', 'your_custom_function', 10, 2);

function your_custom_function($author_url, $comment_id) {
  // Your custom code here
  return $author_url;


  • $author_url: (string) The comment author’s URL.
  • $comment_id: (string) The comment ID as a numeric string.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: comment_url


Add a UTM parameter to the comment author’s URL

This code will append a UTM parameter to the comment author’s URL to track where the traffic is coming from.

add_filter('comment_url', 'add_utm_to_author_url', 10, 2);

function add_utm_to_author_url($author_url, $comment_id) {
  $utm = '?utm_source=comment';
  return $author_url . $utm;

Replace HTTP with HTTPS in the comment author’s URL

This code will replace the “http://” protocol with “https://” in the comment author’s URL.

add_filter('comment_url', 'replace_http_with_https', 10, 2);

function replace_http_with_https($author_url, $comment_id) {
  return str_replace('http://', 'https://', $author_url);