The embed_thumbnail_id WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the thumbnail image ID used in the embed template.
add_filter('embed_thumbnail_id', 'your_custom_function', 10, 1); function your_custom_function($thumbnail_id) { // your custom code here return $thumbnail_id; }
- $thumbnail_id (int|false): The attachment ID of the thumbnail image or false if there is none.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: embed_thumbnail_id
Change the default thumbnail for embeds
This example changes the default thumbnail for embeds to a specific attachment ID.
add_filter('embed_thumbnail_id', 'set_default_embed_thumbnail', 10, 1); function set_default_embed_thumbnail($thumbnail_id) { // Set the default attachment ID $default_thumbnail_id = 42; if (false === $thumbnail_id) { return $default_thumbnail_id; } return $thumbnail_id; }
Remove the thumbnail from embeds
This example removes the thumbnail image from all embeds.
add_filter('embed_thumbnail_id', 'remove_thumbnail_from_embeds', 10, 1); function remove_thumbnail_from_embeds($thumbnail_id) { return false; }
Use a custom thumbnail for specific post types
This example sets a custom thumbnail for a specific post type in embeds.
add_filter('embed_thumbnail_id', 'custom_thumbnail_for_specific_post_type', 10, 1); function custom_thumbnail_for_specific_post_type($thumbnail_id) { global $post; if ('custom_post_type' === $post->post_type) { $custom_thumbnail_id = 99; return $custom_thumbnail_id; } return $thumbnail_id; }
Use the featured image of the parent page for child pages
This example sets the featured image of the parent page as the thumbnail for child pages in embeds.
add_filter('embed_thumbnail_id', 'parent_featured_image_for_child_page', 10, 1); function parent_featured_image_for_child_page($thumbnail_id) { global $post; if ($post->post_parent) { $parent_thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($post->post_parent); if ($parent_thumbnail_id) { return $parent_thumbnail_id; } } return $thumbnail_id; }
Randomize the thumbnail for embeds
This example randomizes the thumbnail image for embeds from a list of attachment IDs.
add_filter('embed_thumbnail_id', 'randomize_embed_thumbnail', 10, 1); function randomize_embed_thumbnail($thumbnail_id) { $random_thumbnail_ids = array(10, 20, 30, 40, 50); $random_key = array_rand($random_thumbnail_ids); return $random_thumbnail_ids[$random_key]; }