The enable_loading_object_cache_dropin WordPress PHP filter allows you to control if the object-cache.php
drop-in should be loaded or not, typically used for non-web runtimes.
add_filter('enable_loading_object_cache_dropin', 'my_custom_function'); function my_custom_function($enable_object_cache) { // Your custom code here return $enable_object_cache; }
$enable_object_cache (bool)
: Determines whether to enable loadingobject-cache.php
(if present). Default istrue
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: enable_loading_object_cache_dropin
Disable Object Cache for CLI Commands
Disable the object cache when running WP-CLI commands.
add_filter('enable_loading_object_cache_dropin', 'disable_object_cache_for_cli'); function disable_object_cache_for_cli($enable_object_cache) { if (defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI) { return false; } return $enable_object_cache; }
Disable Object Cache for Cron Jobs
Disable the object cache when running WP-Cron jobs.
add_filter('enable_loading_object_cache_dropin', 'disable_object_cache_for_cron'); function disable_object_cache_for_cron($enable_object_cache) { if (defined('DOING_CRON') && DOING_CRON) { return false; } return $enable_object_cache; }
Disable Object Cache for AJAX Requests
Disable the object cache for AJAX requests.
add_filter('enable_loading_object_cache_dropin', 'disable_object_cache_for_ajax'); function disable_object_cache_for_ajax($enable_object_cache) { if (defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX) { return false; } return $enable_object_cache; }
Disable Object Cache for REST API Requests
Disable the object cache for REST API requests.
add_filter('enable_loading_object_cache_dropin', 'disable_object_cache_for_rest'); function disable_object_cache_for_rest($enable_object_cache) { if (defined('REST_REQUEST') && REST_REQUEST) { return false; } return $enable_object_cache; }
Disable Object Cache for Custom Condition
Disable the object cache based on a custom condition, e.g., a query parameter.
add_filter('enable_loading_object_cache_dropin', 'disable_object_cache_for_custom_condition'); function disable_object_cache_for_custom_condition($enable_object_cache) { if (isset($_GET['disable_object_cache']) && $_GET['disable_object_cache'] === 'true') { return false; } return $enable_object_cache; }