Using WordPress ‘heartbeat_nopriv_received’ PHP filter

The heartbeat_nopriv_received WordPress PHP Filter allows you to modify the Heartbeat API’s Ajax response in no-privilege environments, where users don’t have access to specific actions or features.


add_filter('heartbeat_nopriv_received', 'your_custom_function', 10, 3);
function your_custom_function($response, $data, $screen_id) {
    // your custom code here
    return $response;


  • $response (array) – The no-priv Heartbeat response.
  • $data (array) – The $_POST data sent.
  • $screen_id (string) – The screen ID.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: heartbeat_nopriv_received


Add a custom message to the Heartbeat response

Append a custom message to the Heartbeat response for users without privileges.

add_filter('heartbeat_nopriv_received', 'append_custom_message', 10, 3);
function append_custom_message($response, $data, $screen_id) {
    $response['custom_message'] = 'You are not logged in!';
    return $response;

Log no-priv Heartbeat data

Log the no-priv Heartbeat data to a file for debugging purposes.

add_filter('heartbeat_nopriv_received', 'log_heartbeat_data', 10, 3);
function log_heartbeat_data($response, $data, $screen_id) {
    error_log(print_r($data, true), 3, '/path/to/your/debug.log');
    return $response;

Check for specific screen ID

Perform an action only if the Heartbeat is sent from a specific screen ID.

add_filter('heartbeat_nopriv_received', 'check_screen_id', 10, 3);
function check_screen_id($response, $data, $screen_id) {
    if ($screen_id == 'your_specific_screen_id') {
        // your custom code here
    return $response;

Modify response based on data

Change the Heartbeat response depending on the data sent.

add_filter('heartbeat_nopriv_received', 'modify_response_based_on_data', 10, 3);
function modify_response_based_on_data($response, $data, $screen_id) {
    if (isset($data['custom_key']) && $data['custom_key'] == 'example_value') {
        $response['custom_response'] = 'Data received';
    return $response;

Add timestamp to response

Add the current timestamp to the Heartbeat response.

add_filter('heartbeat_nopriv_received', 'add_timestamp_to_response', 10, 3);
function add_timestamp_to_response($response, $data, $screen_id) {
    $response['timestamp'] = time();
    return $response;