Using WordPress ‘htmledit_pre’ PHP filter

The htmledit_pre WordPress PHP Filter is used to modify the text before it is formatted for the HTML editor.

Note: this filter has been deprecated.


add_filter('htmledit_pre', 'your_custom_function', 10, 1);
function your_custom_function($output) {
  // your custom code here
  return $output;


  • $output (string) – The HTML-formatted text.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: htmledit_pre


Replace ‘WordPress’ with ‘WP’

This example replaces all instances of ‘WordPress’ with ‘WP’ before the text is formatted for the HTML editor.

add_filter('htmledit_pre', 'replace_wordpress_with_wp', 10, 1);
function replace_wordpress_with_wp($output) {
  $output = str_replace('WordPress', 'WP', $output);
  return $output;

Remove HTML tags

This example removes all HTML tags from the text before it is formatted for the HTML editor.

add_filter('htmledit_pre', 'remove_html_tags', 10, 1);
function remove_html_tags($output) {
  $output = strip_tags($output);
  return $output;

Convert text to uppercase

This example converts all text to uppercase before it is formatted for the HTML editor.

add_filter('htmledit_pre', 'convert_text_to_uppercase', 10, 1);
function convert_text_to_uppercase($output) {
  $output = strtoupper($output);
  return $output;

This example adds a copyright notice at the end of the text before it is formatted for the HTML editor.

add_filter('htmledit_pre', 'add_copyright_notice', 10, 1);
function add_copyright_notice($output) {
  $copyright = '© ' . date('Y') . ' YourCompanyName. All rights reserved.';
  $output = $output . "\n\n" . $copyright;
  return $output;

Remove shortcodes

This example removes all shortcodes from the text before it is formatted for the HTML editor.

add_filter('htmledit_pre', 'remove_shortcodes', 10, 1);
function remove_shortcodes($output) {
  $output = strip_shortcodes($output);
  return $output;