The image_add_caption_shortcode WordPress PHP Filter allows you to modify the image HTML markup including the caption shortcode.
add_filter('image_add_caption_shortcode', 'your_function_name', 10, 2); function your_function_name($shcode, $html) { // your custom code here return $shcode; }
(string): The image HTML markup with caption shortcode.$html
(string): The original image HTML markup.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: image_add_caption_shortcode
Add a CSS class to the caption
This example adds a custom CSS class “custom-caption” to the caption shortcode.
add_filter('image_add_caption_shortcode', 'add_custom_caption_class', 10, 2); function add_custom_caption_class($shcode, $html) { $shcode = str_replace('class="wp-caption', 'class="wp-caption custom-caption', $shcode); return $shcode; }
Remove width attribute from caption
This example removes the width attribute from the caption shortcode.
add_filter('image_add_caption_shortcode', 'remove_caption_width', 10, 2); function remove_caption_width($shcode, $html) { $shcode = preg_replace('/width="\d+"/', '', $shcode); return $shcode; }
Change caption text color
This example changes the caption text color to red.
add_filter('image_add_caption_shortcode', 'change_caption_text_color', 10, 2); function change_caption_text_color($shcode, $html) { $shcode = str_replace('<p class="wp-caption-text">', '<p class="wp-caption-text" style="color:red;">', $shcode); return $shcode; }
Add a custom wrapper around caption
This example adds a custom div wrapper around the caption.
add_filter('image_add_caption_shortcode', 'add_custom_wrapper_around_caption', 10, 2); function add_custom_wrapper_around_caption($shcode, $html) { $shcode = '<div class="custom-wrapper">' . $shcode . '</div>'; return $shcode; }
Add an ID attribute to the caption
This example adds an ID attribute to the caption shortcode.
add_filter('image_add_caption_shortcode', 'add_id_to_caption', 10, 2); function add_id_to_caption($shcode, $html) { $shcode = str_replace('<div class="wp-caption', '<div id="my-caption" class="wp-caption', $shcode); return $shcode; }