The network_sites_updated_message_{$action} WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify a specific, non-default, site-updated message in the Network admin.
add_filter('network_sites_updated_message_my_custom_action', 'my_custom_update_message', 10, 1); function my_custom_update_message($msg) { // your custom code here return $msg; }
(string): The update message. Default is ‘Settings saved’.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: network_sites_updated_message_{$action}
Customize the message after adding a new site
In this example, we’ll customize the message displayed after adding a new site.
add_filter('network_sites_updated_message_added', 'my_added_site_message', 10, 1); function my_added_site_message($msg) { $msg = "New site successfully added!"; return $msg; }
Customize the message after archiving a site
In this example, we’ll customize the message displayed after archiving a site.
add_filter('network_sites_updated_message_archived', 'my_archived_site_message', 10, 1); function my_archived_site_message($msg) { $msg = "Site successfully archived."; return $msg; }
Customize the message after unarchiving a site
In this example, we’ll customize the message displayed after unarchiving a site.
add_filter('network_sites_updated_message_unarchived', 'my_unarchived_site_message', 10, 1); function my_unarchived_site_message($msg) { $msg = "Site successfully unarchived."; return $msg; }
Customize the message after deleting a site
In this example, we’ll customize the message displayed after deleting a site.
add_filter('network_sites_updated_message_deleted', 'my_deleted_site_message', 10, 1); function my_deleted_site_message($msg) { $msg = "Site successfully deleted."; return $msg; }
Customize the message after activating a theme
In this example, we’ll customize the message displayed after activating a theme on a site.
add_filter('network_sites_updated_message_theme_enabled', 'my_theme_enabled_message', 10, 1); function my_theme_enabled_message($msg) { $msg = "Theme successfully activated!"; return $msg; }