The post_type_labels_{$post_type} WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the labels of a specific post type.
add_filter('post_type_labels_post', 'customize_post_labels'); function customize_post_labels($labels) { // Your custom code here return $labels; }
- $labels (object) – An object containing labels for the post type as member variables.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: post_type_labels_{$post_type}
Change the Label for Posts
Change the label for WordPress posts to “Articles”:
add_filter('post_type_labels_post', 'change_post_label_to_articles'); function change_post_label_to_articles($labels) { $labels->name = 'Articles'; return $labels; }
Change the Label for Pages
Change the label for WordPress pages to “Static Pages”:
add_filter('post_type_labels_page', 'change_page_label_to_static_pages'); function change_page_label_to_static_pages($labels) { $labels->name = 'Static Pages'; return $labels; }
Customize Multiple Labels for a Custom Post Type
Customize multiple labels for a custom post type called “events”:
add_filter('post_type_labels_events', 'customize_event_labels'); function customize_event_labels($labels) { $labels->name = 'My Events'; $labels->singular_name = 'Event'; $labels->add_new = 'Add New Event'; return $labels; }
Change the Label for Attachments
Change the label for WordPress attachments to “Media Files”:
add_filter('post_type_labels_attachment', 'change_attachment_label_to_media_files'); function change_attachment_label_to_media_files($labels) { $labels->name = 'Media Files'; return $labels; }
Modify Labels for a Custom Post Type on the Fly
Modify labels for a custom post type called “products” on the fly, depending on a user’s role:
add_filter('post_type_labels_products', 'modify_product_labels_on_the_fly'); function modify_product_labels_on_the_fly($labels) { if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { $labels->name = 'Admin Products'; } else { $labels->name = 'User Products'; } return $labels; }