The gform_user_registration_prepared_value Gravity Forms PHP filter allows you to modify a field value before it is saved to the user meta.
add_filter('gform_user_registration_prepared_value', 'your_function_name', 10, 5);
- $value (string) – The value to be modified.
- $field (Field Object) – The field currently being processed.
- $input_id (string) – The ID of the field input currently being processed.
- $entry (Entry Object) – The entry currently being processed.
- $is_username (bool) – Indicates if the current field is mapped to the username.
More information
See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_user_registration_prepared_value
Country Code
Replace the address field country value with the country code:
add_filter('gform_user_registration_prepared_value', function($value, $field, $input_id, $entry, $is_username) { $country_id = $field->id . '.6'; if ($field->type == 'address' && $input_id == $country_id) { return GF_Fields::get('address')->get_country_code($value); } return $value; }, 10, 5);
US State Code
Replace the address field US state value with the state code:
add_filter('gform_user_registration_prepared_value', function($value, $field, $input_id, $entry, $is_username) { $state_id = $field->id . '.4'; if ($field->type == 'address' && $input_id == $state_id) { return GF_Fields::get('address')->get_us_state_code($value); } return $value; }, 10, 5);
Checkboxes as serialized data
Serialize values of a checkboxes field before saving to the user meta for a field with id 18:
add_filter('gform_user_registration_prepared_value', 'gf_serialize_checkboxes', 10, 5); function gf_serialize_checkboxes($value, $field, $input_id, $entry, $is_username) { if ($field->id == '18' && $field->type == 'checkbox') { // Update 18 to your field id number // Get a comma separated list of checkboxes checked $checked = $field->get_value_export($entry); // Convert to array $value = explode(', ', $checked); // WordPress will automatically serialize this array before saving. } return $value; }
Uppercase user meta value
Convert a custom user meta field value to uppercase before saving:
add_filter('gform_user_registration_prepared_value', function($value, $field, $input_id, $entry, $is_username) { if ($field->id == '12' && $field->type == 'text') { // Update 12 to your field id number return strtoupper($value); } return $value; }, 10, 5);
Save only digits from a phone field
Save only digits from a phone field with id 9 to user meta:
add_filter('gform_user_registration_prepared_value', function($value, $field, $input_id, $entry, $is_username) { if ($field->id == '9' && $field->type == 'phone') { // Update 9