The gform_ppcp_object Gravity Forms PHP filter allows you to customize the GFPPCP object included in the form initialization scripts for the PayPal Field, available with the PayPal Commerce Platform Add-On.
A generic example of how to use the filter:
add_filter('gform_ppcp_object', 'your_function_name', 10, 2);
- $args (array): An array of arguments controlling the appearance and behavior of the PayPal Checkout and Credit Card field.
- $form_id (int): The ID of the form containing the PayPal Field being prepared for display.
More information
See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_ppcp_object
Change PayPal Smart Payment Buttons Shape
This example demonstrates how to change the shape of the PayPal Smart Payment Buttons.
add_filter('gform_ppcp_object', 'ppcp_object_buttons_shape', 10, 2); function ppcp_object_buttons_shape($args, $form_id) { $args['smartPaymentButtons']['buttonsShape'] = 'pill'; return $args; }
Change PayPal Smart Payment Buttons Layout
This example demonstrates how to change the layout of the PayPal Smart Payment Buttons.
add_filter('gform_ppcp_object', 'ppcp_object_buttons_layout', 10, 2); function ppcp_object_buttons_layout($args, $form_id) { $args['smartPaymentButtons']['buttonsLayout'] = 'horizontal'; return $args; }
Change PayPal Smart Payment Buttons Size
This example demonstrates how to change the size of the PayPal Smart Payment Buttons.
add_filter('gform_ppcp_object', 'ppcp_object_buttons_size', 10, 2); function ppcp_object_buttons_size($args, $form_id) { $args['smartPaymentButtons']['buttonsSize'] = 'small'; return $args; }
Change PayPal Smart Payment Buttons Color
This example demonstrates how to change the color of the PayPal Smart Payment Buttons.
add_filter('gform_ppcp_object', 'ppcp_object_buttons_color', 10, 2); function ppcp_object_buttons_color($args, $form_id) { $args['smartPaymentButtons']['buttonsColor'] = 'blue'; return $args; }
Apply Customizations to Specific Form
This example demonstrates how to apply customizations only to a specific form with a given form ID.
add_filter('gform_ppcp_object', 'ppcp_object_specific_form', 10, 2); function ppcp_object_specific_form($args, $form_id) { if ($form_id == 5) { $args['smartPaymentButtons']['buttonsColor'] = 'blue'; $args['smartPaymentButtons']['buttonsShape'] = 'pill'; } return $args; }