The gform_activecampaign_enable_tag_mapping filter enables the display of the tags field in the Map Fields section of the ActiveCampaign feed.
To use the filter, add the following code to your theme’s functions.php
add_filter('gform_activecampaign_enable_tag_mapping', '__return_true');
This filter does not have any parameters.
More information
See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_activecampaign_enable_tag_mapping
This filter was removed in ActiveCampaign 1.2 when the tags mapping setting was replaced by a tags text input with merge tag support. The filter can be found in the class-gf-activecampaign.php
Enabling tag mapping
Enable the display of the tags field in the Map Fields section of the ActiveCampaign feed.
add_filter('gform_activecampaign_enable_tag_mapping', '__return_true');
Disabling tag mapping
Disable the display of the tags field in the Map Fields section of the ActiveCampaign feed.
add_filter('gform_activecampaign_enable_tag_mapping', '__return_false');
Conditionally enabling tag mapping
Enable the display of the tags field in the Map Fields section of the ActiveCampaign feed only if a specific condition is met (e.g., current user is an administrator).
function enable_tag_mapping_for_admin() { if (current_user_can('administrator')) { return true; } return false; } add_filter('gform_activecampaign_enable_tag_mapping', 'enable_tag_mapping_for_admin');
Enabling tag mapping for a specific form
Enable the display of the tags field in the Map Fields section of the ActiveCampaign feed only for a specific form (e.g., form with ID 5).
function enable_tag_mapping_for_form_5($form) { if ($form['id'] == 5) { return true; } return false; } add_filter('gform_activecampaign_enable_tag_mapping', 'enable_tag_mapping_for_form_5');
Enabling tag mapping for multiple forms
Enable the display of the tags field in the Map Fields section of the ActiveCampaign feed for multiple forms (e.g., forms with IDs 3, 7, and 9).
function enable_tag_mapping_for_multiple_forms($form) { $allowed_forms = array(3, 7, 9); if (in_array($form['id'], $allowed_forms)) { return true; } return false; } add_filter('gform_activecampaign_enable_tag_mapping', 'enable_tag_mapping_for_multiple_forms');