Using WordPress ‘is_email_address_unsafe()’ PHP function

The is_email_address_unsafe() WordPress PHP function checks an email address against a list of banned domains.


is_email_address_unsafe( $user_email )


Input: is_email_address_unsafe('[email protected]')

Output: false (if ‘’ is not in the banned domains list)


  • $user_email (string) – The email address provided by the user at registration.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: is_email_address_unsafe

This function is used in the WordPress Multisite environment to check user registrations against the Banned Email Domains list at wp-admin/network/settings.php. User creation at wp-admin/network/users.php bypasses this check.


Block registration with banned email domain

Check if a user’s email address has a banned domain during registration and display an error message if it is banned.

function check_banned_email_domain( $result ) {
    $user_email = $result['user_email'];
if ( is_email_address_unsafe( $user_email ) ) {
    $result['errors']->add( 'banned_email_domain', __( 'This email address is not allowed. Please use a different email address.' ) );

return $result; } add_filter( ‘wpmu_validate_user_signup’, ‘check_banned_email_domain’ );

Add custom banned domains to the existing list

Add custom banned domains to the existing list and use the is_email_address_unsafe() function to check if an email address has a banned domain.

function add_custom_banned_domains( $banned_domains ) {
    $custom_banned_domains = array( '', '' );
    return array_merge( $banned_domains, $custom_banned_domains );
add_filter( 'banned_email_domains', 'add_custom_banned_domains' );

// Check if an email address has a banned domain. $is_banned = is_email_address_unsafe( ‘[email protected]’ );

Remove a domain from the list of banned domains

Remove a specific domain from the list of banned domains.

function remove_banned_domain( $banned_domains ) {
    $domain_to_remove = '';
    return array_diff( $banned_domains, array( $domain_to_remove ) );
add_filter( 'banned_email_domains', 'remove_banned_domain' );

Check if an email address is banned during user registration in a custom plugin

Create a custom plugin that checks if an email address has a banned domain during user registration and displays an error message if it is banned.

// my-custom-plugin.php
function my_custom_plugin_register_user( $user_login, $user_email, $errors ) {
    if ( is_email_address_unsafe( $user_email ) ) {
        $errors->add( 'banned_email_domain', __( 'This email address is not allowed. Please use a different email address.' ) );
add_action( 'register_post', 'my_custom_plugin_register_user', 10, 3 );

Log banned email domains during registration attempts

Log the email addresses with banned domains during registration attempts.

function log_banned_email_domains( $result ) {
    $user_email = $result['user_email'];
if ( is_email_address_unsafe( $user_email ) ) {
    error_log( "Banned email domain registration attempt" );
add_action( 'registration_errors', 'log_banned_email_domains', 10, 1 );