Using WordPress ‘install_global_terms()’ PHP function

The install_global_terms() WordPress PHP function installs global terms used across the entire WordPress multisite network.




  • None

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: install_global_terms()


Installing global terms during multisite setup

If you’re setting up a multisite network, use install_global_terms() to install global terms.

// Install global terms during multisite setup
function setup_multisite_network() {
    // Your multisite setup logic here

    // Install global terms

Installing global terms after creating a new site

When creating a new site in a multisite network, use install_global_terms() to ensure the new site has the global terms.

// Install global terms after creating a new site
function new_site_setup($new_site_id) {
    // Your new site setup logic here

    // Install global terms

Installing global terms when switching to multisite

If you’re switching an existing WordPress installation to a multisite network, use install_global_terms() to install global terms.

// Install global terms when switching to multisite
function switch_to_multisite() {
    // Your logic to switch to multisite

    // Install global terms

Installing global terms on a plugin activation

When creating a plugin that requires global terms, use install_global_terms() during plugin activation.

// Install global terms on plugin activation
function my_plugin_activate() {
    // Your plugin activation logic here

    // Install global terms
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'my_plugin_activate');

Installing global terms on a theme activation

If your theme requires global terms, use install_global_terms() during theme activation.

// Install global terms on theme activation
function my_theme_activate() {
    // Your theme activation logic here

    // Install global terms
add_action('after_switch_theme', 'my_theme_activate');