Using WordPress ‘do_shortcodes_in_html_tags()’ PHP function

The do_shortcodes_in_html_tags() WordPress PHP function is used to search and process shortcodes only within HTML elements. It helps to prevent interference with shortcodes that are outside the elements by encoding any [ or ] characters remaining inside elements. This function assumes that the content has already been processed by KSES. Note that users with unfiltered_html capability may get unexpected output if angle braces are nested in tags.


Here’s a generic example of how you might use the do_shortcodes_in_html_tags() function:

$content = 'This is my content with a [shortcode]';
$ignore_html = true;
$tagnames = array('shortcode');

$result = do_shortcodes_in_html_tags($content, $ignore_html, $tagnames);


  • $content (string): This is the content where you’ll search for shortcodes.
  • $ignore_html (bool): When set to true, all square brackets inside HTML elements will be encoded.
  • $tagnames (array): This is the list of shortcodes to find.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: do_shortcodes_in_html_tags()


Basic usage

$content = 'This is a post with a [gallery]';
$ignore_html = true;
$tagnames = array('gallery');

$processed_content = do_shortcodes_in_html_tags($content, $ignore_html, $tagnames);

This example looks for the ‘gallery’ shortcode in $content and processes it.

Multiple shortcodes

$content = 'This is a post with a [gallery] and [video]';
$ignore_html = true;
$tagnames = array('gallery', 'video');

$processed_content = do_shortcodes_in_html_tags($content, $ignore_html, $tagnames);

In this example, the function will look for and process both ‘gallery’ and ‘video’ shortcodes in $content.

Ignoring HTML

$content = 'This is a post with a [gallery] and [video]';
$ignore_html = false; // change this to ignore HTML
$tagnames = array('gallery', 'video');

$processed_content = do_shortcodes_in_html_tags($content, $ignore_html, $tagnames);

This time, the function will ignore HTML elements and not encode square brackets inside them.

No shortcodes

$content = 'This is a post with no shortcodes';
$ignore_html = true;
$tagnames = array();

$processed_content = do_shortcodes_in_html_tags($content, $ignore_html, $tagnames);

With an empty $tagnames array, the function will return the original content as there are no shortcodes to find.

Non-existing shortcode

$content = 'This is a post with a [gallery]';
$ignore_html = true;
$tagnames = array('non_existing_shortcode');

$processed_content = do_shortcodes_in_html_tags($content, $ignore_html, $tagnames);

In this case, the function will not find the ‘non_existing_shortcode’ in $content and will therefore return the original content.