Using WordPress ‘block_has_support()’ PHP function

The block_has_support() WordPress PHP function is used to check whether a given block type supports a certain feature.


To use the block_has_support() function, pass the block type and the feature to check as parameters. Optionally, a default value can be provided as a fallback if the feature support isn’t confirmed. Here’s a custom example:

$support = block_has_support( 'core/paragraph', array( 'align' ), false );

In this example, we’re checking if the ‘core/paragraph’ block supports alignment. If it doesn’t, the function will return false.


  • $block_type (WP_Block_Type – Required): The block type you’re checking for support.
  • $feature (array – Required): The specific feature you’re checking support for.
  • $default_value (mixed – Optional): Fallback value for feature support. The default value is false.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: block_has_support()
The function was implemented in WordPress 5.6. It’s not deprecated, and it’s located in the block-supports directory.


Checking for Color Support

This example checks if the ‘core/paragraph’ block supports color settings.

$support = block_has_support( 'core/paragraph', array( 'color' ) );

Checking for Custom Font Size

This checks if the ‘core/heading’ block supports custom font size.

$support = block_has_support( 'core/heading', array( 'fontSize' ) );

Checking for Spacing Support

This verifies if the ‘core/columns’ block supports spacing between columns.

$support = block_has_support( 'core/columns', array( 'spacing' ) );

Checking for Typography Support

This checks if the ‘core/quote’ block supports typography settings.

$support = block_has_support( 'core/quote', array( 'typography' ) );

This verifies if the ‘core/button’ block supports custom link color.

$support = block_has_support( 'core/button', array( 'linkColor' ) );

In all examples, $support will be true if the block supports the feature, or false if it doesn’t.