Using WordPress ‘activate_plugins()’ PHP function

The activate_plugins() WordPress PHP function activates a single plugin or a list of plugins. If it returns a WP_Error, it means that one or more of the plugin file paths were invalid, and not necessarily that a plugin had errors. The execution will be halted immediately if one of the plugins encounters an error.


Here’s a simple example of how to use the activate_plugins() function:


In this case, we are activating a plugin named ‘my-plugin’.


  • $plugins (string|array): This is a required parameter. It is the name or list of the plugins to activate.
  • $redirect (string): This is an optional parameter. You can use it to redirect to a page after successful activation. The default value is ” (empty string).
  • $network_wide (bool): This is an optional parameter. Set it to true if you want to enable the plugin for all sites in the network. The default value is false.
  • $silent (bool): This is an optional parameter. If set to true, it prevents calling activation hooks. The default value is false.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: activate_plugins()


Activating a Single Plugin

This code activates a single plugin named ‘my-plugin’.


Activating Multiple Plugins

This code activates multiple plugins.

activate_plugins(array('my-plugin/my-plugin.php', 'another-plugin/another-plugin.php'));

Activating a Plugin and Redirecting

This code activates a plugin and then redirects to a custom page.

activate_plugins('my-plugin/my-plugin.php', admin_url('my-page.php'));

Activating a Plugin Network-Wide

This code activates a plugin for all sites in a network.

activate_plugins('my-plugin/my-plugin.php', '', true);

Activating a Plugin Silently

This code activates a plugin without calling activation hooks.

activate_plugins('my-plugin/my-plugin.php', '', false, true);