Install InterVideo WinDVD 5.0 Silently


The following process has been tested and confirmed working with InterVideo WinDVD 5.0 (as provided for HP systems) and Configmgr / SCCM R2.

The installation will:

  • Silently install nterVideo WinDVD 5.0 silently
  • Disable the registration message for new users
  • Remove the ‘Online Update’ shortcut from the start menu
  • Remove the WinDVD shortcut from the desktop.
    1. Copy the full install folder to your working folder (or SCCM package source location)
    2. Create a cmd file called “Install.cmd” and copy in the following information
@echo off
REM Install InterVideo WinDVD 5.0 HP Systems
REM Script Details:
REM --------------
REM  This script will:
REM       + silently installs WinDVD 5.0
REM       + disables registration message
REM       + Deletes 'Online Update' shortcut from start menu 
REM       + Deletes program shortcut from desktop
:: Installs required software
"%~dp0Setup.exe" /s /a /s /sms /f2"C:\WinDVD_Install.log"
:: Opens Windows 7 Default Profile
reg load HKU\DefaultUser "C:\Users\Default\ntuser.dat"
:: Opens Windows XP Default Profile
reg load HKU\DefaultUser "C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\ntuser.dat"
:: Disables registration prompt for NEW user profiles
reg add "HKU\DefaultUser\Software\InterVideo\Common\Registered" /v 20r /t REG_DWORD /d ffffffff /f
reg unload HKU\DefaultUser
REM Removes Online Update shortcut - Windows XP
if exist "%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\InterVideo WinDVD\Online Update.lnk" del %allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\InterVideo WinDVD\Online Update.lnk" /S
REM Removes Online Update shortcut - Windows 7
if exist "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\InterVideo WinDVD\Online Update.lnk" del "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\InterVideo WinDVD\Online Update.lnk" /S
REM Removes Program Desktop Icon - Windows XP
if exist "%allusersprofile%\Desktop\InterVideo WinDVD.lnk" del "%allusersprofile%\Desktop\InterVideo WinDVD.lnk" /S
REM Removes Program Desktop Icon - Windows 7
if exist "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\InterVideo WinDVD.lnk" del "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\InterVideo WinDVD.lnk" /S
REM Return exit code to SCCM
exit /B %EXIT_CODE%
    1. Copy the install folder and the cmd file to your software package share and create your SCCM package, and use ‘install.cmd’ to run the installation.

For more information on creating SCCM packages see distribute software using SCCM.