Exchange 2010 – How to create Dynamic Distribution Groups

Unlike a regular distribution group, a dynamic distribution group, as the name implies, is dynamic in nature.

Instead of having a list of users as with a standard distribution group, a dynamic distribution group is built each time an email is sent to it.

This is accomplished by utilizing a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) query that has been defined and assigned to the group. For example, you can build a dynamic distribution group that is intended to include all recipients in a particular Active Directory Organisational Unit. Each time the list is accessed, the membership would be built based on information gathered from the AD.

How to Create a Dynamic Distribution Group (EMC)

  1. In the Exchange Management Console, expand the ‘Organization Configuration’ node, and then select the ‘Distribution List’ node
  2. MSExchange2010-AddToDistributionList6
  3. From the Actions pane, click on ‘New Dynamic Distribution Group’
  4. Enter in a ‘Name’ and ‘Alias’ for the new group. Optionally, you may also specify the organisational unit where the group will be created
  5. Click ‘Next’ to continue
  6. MSExchange2010-DynamicDist1
  7. Click on the ‘Browse’ button and select the Active Directory OU to apply the filter
  8. You may also want to specify the recipient type, e.g. ‘Users with Exchange Mailboxes’
  9. Click ‘Next’ to continue
  10. MSExchange2010-DynamicDist2
  11. In the next window you may specify additional conditions to filter the distribution group members.
  12. Click on the ‘Preview’ window to confirm the desired members have been included
  13. Click ‘Next’ to continue
  14. MSExchange2010-DynamicDist3
  15. Click ‘New’ to begin creating the new dynamic distribution group
  16. Click ‘Finish’ to close the wizard
  17. MSExchange2010-DynamicDist4

How to Create a Dynamic Distribution Group – Exchange Management Shell

Using the Exchange Management Shell, you can create a new Dynamic Distribution Group using the ‘new-DynamicDistributionGroup’ commandlet.

The following command will create a new Dynamic Distribution Group, which:

  • is called “City Site Staff”
  • includes all standard mailbox users in the ‘City SiteUsers’ Active Directory OU
    • and is stored in the ‘AdministrationExchange’ Active Directory OU
new-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name 'City Site Staff' -RecipientContainer '' -IncludedRecipients 'MailboxUsers' -OrganizationalUnit '' -Alias 'city-site-staff'