The gform_post_form_views_deleted action is triggered when a form view count has been reset to zero, allowing further actions to be performed.
add_action('gform_post_form_views_deleted', 'my_function', 10, 1);
- $form_id (int): The ID of the form that the view count is being reset on.
More information
See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_post_form_views_deleted
This action hook is located in forms_model.php
Send an email notification when form views are reset
This example sends an email to the admin when a form view count is reset to zero.
add_action('gform_post_form_views_deleted', 'send_email_notification', 10, 1); function send_email_notification($form_id) { // Define the email subject and message $subject = "Form Views Reset"; $message = "The view count for form ID {$form_id} has been reset to zero."; // Send an email to the admin wp_mail(get_option('admin_email'), $subject, $message); }
Log the form view reset event
This example logs the form view reset event with the current timestamp.
add_action('gform_post_form_views_deleted', 'log_form_view_reset', 10, 1); function log_form_view_reset($form_id) { // Get the current timestamp $timestamp = current_time('mysql'); // Log the form view reset event error_log("Form ID {$form_id} views were reset at {$timestamp}"); }
Update a custom meta field when form views are reset
This example updates a custom meta field named ‘form_views_reset_count’ for a form when its view count is reset to zero.
add_action('gform_post_form_views_deleted', 'update_form_views_reset_count', 10, 1); function update_form_views_reset_count($form_id) { // Get the current form views reset count $reset_count = get_post_meta($form_id, 'form_views_reset_count', true); // Increment the reset count $reset_count++; // Update the form views reset count update_post_meta($form_id, 'form_views_reset_count', $reset_count); }
Trigger an action in third-party service
This example triggers an action in a third-party service when a form view count is reset to zero.
add_action('gform_post_form_views_deleted', 'trigger_third_party_action', 10, 1); function trigger_third_party_action($form_id) { // Your custom code to trigger an action in third-party service }
Display a custom message when form views are reset
This example displays a custom message on the dashboard when a form view count is reset to zero.
add_action('gform_post_form_views_deleted', 'display_custom_message', 10, 1); function display_custom_message($form_id) { // Set a custom message to be displayed on the dashboard $message = "The view count for form ID {$form_id} has been reset to zero."; // Display the custom message set_transient('custom_dashboard_message', $message, 60); }