The 'plugin_auto_update_setting_html' PHP filter in WordPress allows developers to customize the auto-update settings for plugins. This filter can be used to modify the HTML output of the auto-update settings section…
The 'plugin_files_exclusions' filter in WordPress allows developers to exclude certain files from being loaded as part of a plugin. This can improve performance and security by preventing unnecessary code from…
The 'plugin_install_description' PHP filter in WordPress allows developers to modify the plugin description displayed in the WordPress plugin installer. This can be useful for providing more detailed information about the…
The 'plugin_row_meta' PHP filter in WordPress allows developers to add custom meta links to plugin rows in the admin dashboard. This can be useful for providing additional information or actions…
The 'plugins_api' PHP filter in WordPress allows developers to modify the response data from the Plugin API. This can be useful for customizing the information displayed to users when…