The 'in_theme_update_message-{$theme_key}' PHP action in WordPress allows developers to customize the update message displayed in the WordPress dashboard for their theme. This can be useful for informing users about important…
The WordPress 'install_plugins_table_api_args_{$tab}' PHP filter allows developers to customize the plugin installation table by modifying the API arguments.
The 'install_themes_table_api_args_{$tab}' PHP filter in WordPress allows developers to modify the arguments used to retrieve theme data from the API. This can be useful for customizing the display of…
The `deleted_usermeta` WordPress action is triggered when a user's metadata is deleted from the database. This article provides examples of how to use this action, such as logging user metadata…
The 'deprecated_constructor_trigger_error' PHP filter in WordPress is a useful tool for developers to identify and address deprecated code in their plugins and themes. By triggering an error message when deprecated…