The 'auth_{$object_type}_meta_{$meta_key}' PHP filter in WordPress allows developers to customize user access to specific meta data based on the user's role and capabilities.
The 'auth_cookie_expiration' PHP filter in WordPress allows developers to customize the expiration time for user authentication cookies. By using this filter, developers can enhance the security and user experience of…
The 'attachment_max_dims' PHP filter is a powerful tool for controlling the maximum dimensions of images uploaded to your WordPress site. By using this filter, you can ensure that your site…
The 'allow_empty_comment' PHP filter is a powerful tool for WordPress developers seeking greater control over user comments. By enabling this filter, developers can ensure that comments are only published when…
The `add_action` hook in WordPress is used to execute specific functions at a particular point in time during the execution cycle of the platform. One such hook is the `archive_blog`…