Learn how to use the WordPress'media_upload_video()' PHP function to handle uploading a video file in your WordPress website with our comprehensive guide
Learn how to use the gform_fileupload_entry_value_file_path filter in Gravity Forms to modify the file path of an uploaded file programmatically using PHP code.Additionally, you can also use this filter to…
The 'mu_plugin_loaded' PHP action in WordPress allows developers to execute code before regular plugins are loaded, making it a powerful tool for customizing the platform.
The `in_plugin_update_message` hook in WordPress allows developers to add custom messages to the plugin updates table, which can be used to display important information or warnings related to the plugin's…
The 'load-{$plugin_page}' PHP action in WordPress allows developers to execute code when a specific plugin page is loaded. This feature can be used to add custom functionality or modify existing…
The `deactivate_{$plugin}` PHP action in WordPress is fired when a plugin is about to be deactivated, allowing developers to perform cleanup tasks before the plugin is removed