Using WordPress ‘get_singular_template()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Retrieves the path of the singular template in current or parent template.
Using WordPress ‘get_real_file_to_edit()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Get the real filesystem path to a file to edit within the admin.
Using WordPress ‘get_screen_icon()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `get_screen_icon()` function in WordPress is obsolete and should not be used as it returns an outdated screen icon
Using WordPress ‘get_theme_root_uri()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `get_theme_root_uri()` function in WordPress retrieves the URI for the themes directory without a trailing slash using the `$stylesheet` variable
Using WordPress ‘is_user_admin()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Determines whether the current request is for a user admin screen.
Using WordPress ‘is_trackback()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Determines whether the query is for a trackback endpoint call.
Using WordPress ‘is_time()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The article provides an overview of the WordPress `is_time()` function, which determines whether the query is for a specific time or not
Using WordPress ‘is_subdomain_install()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `is_subdomain_install()` function in WordPress determines if a subdomain configuration is enabled in a multisite setup
Using WordPress ‘is_sticky()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Learn how to use the WordPress 'is_sticky()' PHP function to determine if a post is sticky and display different content based on that status