The `parse_tax_query` WordPress PHP action is used to manipulate taxonomy-related queries, including modifying the main query, excluding categories or tags, filtering by taxonomy, and more
The `old_slug_redirect_post_id` WordPress filter modifies the redirect post ID when an old slug is detected, allowing developers to implement custom functionality for URL redirects
The 'page_link' PHP filter in WordPress allows developers to modify the output of page permalinks. This can be useful for creating custom URL structures or adding query parameters to page…
The 'parent_file' PHP filter in WordPress allows developers to modify the parent menu item for submenus in the admin dashboard. This can be useful for customizing the navigation structure and…
One of the powerful WordPress PHP actions is 'muplugins_loaded', which allows developers to execute code before the loading of must-use plugins. This can be useful for modifying or extending functionality…
The 'manage_{$screen->id}_columns' PHP filter in WordPress allows developers to customize the columns displayed in the admin area of a specific post type.