The `pre_delete_term` WordPress PHP action allows you to perform custom actions before a term is deleted, such as logging the deletion, preventing it, notifying admins by email, updating term counts,…
This article discusses the use of the `pre_delete_site_option` action in WordPress, which allows developers to execute custom functions or actions before a specific site option is deleted from the database
The 'network_user_new_created_user' PHP action in WordPress allows for customized actions to be taken when a new user is created on a multisite network. This can be useful for automating tasks…
The 'post_updated' PHP action in WordPress allows developers to execute custom code after a post or page is updated. This can be used to perform various tasks such as sending…
The post_unstuck PHP action in WordPress allows developers to execute custom code when a post is unstuck from the top of the blog post list. This can be useful for…
The post_action_{$action} PHP action in WordPress allows developers to execute custom code after a post is saved or updated. This powerful feature can be used to automate tasks, validate data,…