The `register_widget()` function in WordPress is used to register a custom widget with the platform by passing the name or instance of the widget class to the function
The "gform_form_settings_page_VIEW" PHP filter in Gravity Forms allows developers to customize the form settings page. This filter can be used to add or remove tabs, sections, and fields, as well…
The article provides an overview of using the `gform_pre_replace_merge_tags` filter in Gravity Forms to replace default merge tags before they are replaced by GFCommon::replace_variables()
The article provides information about using the `gform_entries_field_value` filter in Gravity Forms to modify field values before they are displayed on the entry list page
Learn how to use the Gravity Forms `gform_notification_validation` PHP filter to validate custom notification settings and override the default validation result. Discover usage tips, parameters, examples and more from our…
The article provides information on using the WordPress `quick_edit_custom_box` PHP action to add custom fields to the Quick Edit mode in the admin area for each column