Using WordPress ‘deactivate_plugins()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `deactivate_plugins()` function in WordPress allows users to temporarily or permanently deactive
Using WordPress ‘dbDelta()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `dbDelta()` function in WordPress allows modification of the database through the execution of SQL queries
Using WordPress ‘date_i18n()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Retrieves the date in localized format, based on a sum of Unix timestamp and timezone offset in seconds.
Using WordPress ‘current_time()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Learn how to use the WordPress 'current_time()' PHP function to get the current time in various formats such as MySQL, GMT, timestamp, and more
Using WordPress ‘get_date_from_gmt()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Given a date in UTC or GMT timezone, returns that date in the timezone of the site.
Using WordPress ‘get_dashboard_blog()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Get the “dashboard blog”, the blog where users without a blog edit their profile data.
Using WordPress ‘get_comment_time()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `get_comment_time()` function in WordPress retrieves the comment time of the current comment in various formats and options
Using WordPress ‘get_comment_to_edit()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `get_comment_to_edit()` function in WordPress retrieves a `WP_Comment` object based on a specific comment ID for displaying or manipulating the comment data
Using WordPress ‘get_comment_text()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `get_comment_text()` function in WordPress retrieves the text content of a comment