Using WordPress ‘funky_javascript_callback()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `funky_javascript_callback()` function in WordPress converts `%uXXXX` to `YYY;` syntax
Using WordPress ‘form_option()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `form_option()` function in WordPress is used to retrieve and display option values for forms after sanitization
Using WordPress ‘format_to_post()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Formerly used to escape strings before inserting into the DB.
Using WordPress ‘format_for_editor()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `format_for_editor()` function in WordPress is used to format text for the editor, including encoding special characters for proper display in the editor's text area
Using WordPress ‘get_pages()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Retrieves an array of pages (or hierarchical post type items).
Using WordPress ‘get_oembed_endpoint_url()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Retrieves the oEmbed endpoint URL for a given permalink.
Using WordPress ‘get_next_post_link()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Retrieves the next post link that is adjacent to the current post.
Using WordPress ‘get_feed_build_date()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Gets the UTC time of the most recently modified post from WP_Query.
Using WordPress ‘get_gmt_from_date()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Given a date in the timezone of the site, returns that date in UTC.