Using Gravity Forms ‘gform_block_form_forms’ PHP action

The gform_block_form_forms Gravity Forms PHP filter allows you to modify the list of available forms displayed in the Form block in the WordPress block editor.


To use the filter, add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file or a custom functions plugin:

add_filter('gform_block_form_forms', 'your_function_name');


  • $forms (array) – A collection of active forms on the site, sorted alphabetically by title. Each form in the array contains the following properties: id, title, and hasConditionalLogic.

More information

See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_block_form_forms


Remove specific form

This example removes form with ID 1 from the list of forms that can be embedded using the Form block in the WordPress block editor.

add_filter('gform_block_form_forms', function ($forms) {
    foreach ($forms as $key => $form) {
        if ($form['id'] == 1) {
    return array_values($forms);

Sort list by newest to oldest

This example sorts the list of forms with the most recent forms listed at the top (requires PHP 7 or greater).

add_filter('gform_block_form_forms', function ($forms) {
    usort($forms, function($a, $b) {
        return $b['id'] <=> $a['id'];
    return $forms;

Filter forms by title

This example filters the forms list to only include forms with titles containing the word “survey”.

add_filter('gform_block_form_forms', function ($forms) {
    return array_filter($forms, function ($form) {
        return strpos(strtolower($form['title']), 'survey') !== false;

Add custom form data

This example adds custom form data to the array of forms, such as a form’s creation date.

add_filter('gform_block_form_forms', function ($forms) {
    foreach ($forms as &$form) {
        $form_object = GFAPI::get_form($form['id']);
        $form['date_created'] = $form_object['date_created'];
    return $forms;

Exclude forms with conditional logic

This example filters the forms list to exclude forms that have conditional logic.

add_filter('gform_block_form_forms', function ($forms) {
    return array_filter($forms, function ($form) {
        return !$form['hasConditionalLogic'];