Using Gravity Forms ‘gform_field_settings_tab_content’ PHP action

The gform_field_settings_tab_content action hook allows you to echo content for a custom field settings tab in the form editor. To register the tab, use the gform_field_settings_tabs filter.


A basic example for all forms and custom tabs:

add_action('gform_field_settings_tab_content', 'your_function_name', 10, 2);

To target a specific tab, add the tab ID after the hook name:

add_action('gform_field_settings_tab_content_thetabid', 'your_function_name', 10, 2);

To target a specific tab and form, add the IDs after the hook name:

add_action('gform_field_settings_tab_content_thetabid_6', 'your_function_name', 10, 2);


  • $form (Form Object) – The form currently being edited.
  • $tab_id (string) – The unique ID of the tab being displayed.

More information

See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_field_settings_tab_content

This action hook was added in Gravity Forms v2.5. The source code is located in GFFormDetail::forms_page() in form_detail.php.


Add content to your custom tab

Add content to a custom tab for form ID 1:

add_action('gform_field_settings_tab_content_my_custom_tab_1', function ($form, $tab_id) {
    echo '<li>The content of my custom tab.</li>';
}, 10, 2);