Using Gravity Forms ‘gform_force_hooks_js_output’ PHP action

The gform_force_hooks_js_output filter in Gravity Forms PHP can be used to prevent the Gravity Forms scripts from being added to all pages.


To use this filter, simply add the following line to your code:

add_filter('gform_force_hooks_js_output', 'your_function_name');


  • Defaults to false. Set to true using the WordPress __return_true function or a custom function that returns true.

More information

See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_force_hooks_js_output

This filter was added in Gravity Forms version


Preventing Gravity Forms scripts from being added to all pages

// Prevent Gravity Forms scripts from being added to all pages
add_filter('gform_force_hooks_js_output', '__return_true');

Allow Gravity Forms scripts only on specific pages

// Function to check if the current page is a specific page
function allow_gform_scripts_on_page() {
    // Replace PAGE_ID with the actual page ID where you want to allow Gravity Forms scripts
    return (is_page('PAGE_ID')) ? true : false;

// Prevent Gravity Forms scripts from being added to all pages except the specified page
add_filter('gform_force_hooks_js_output', 'allow_gform_scripts_on_page');

Allow Gravity Forms scripts only when a form is present

// Function to check if a Gravity Forms form is present on the page
function allow_gform_scripts_if_form_present() {
    global $post;
    return (has_shortcode($post->post_content, 'gravityform')) ? true : false;

// Prevent Gravity Forms scripts from being added to pages without a form
add_filter('gform_force_hooks_js_output', 'allow_gform_scripts_if_form_present');

Allow Gravity Forms scripts only for logged-in users

// Function to check if the user is logged in
function allow_gform_scripts_for_logged_in_users() {
    return (is_user_logged_in()) ? true : false;

// Prevent Gravity Forms scripts from being added to pages for non-logged-in users
add_filter('gform_force_hooks_js_output', 'allow_gform_scripts_for_logged_in_users');

Allow Gravity Forms scripts only on specific post types

// Function to check if the current post is a specific post type
function allow_gform_scripts_on_post_type() {
    // Replace 'custom_post_type' with the actual post type where you want to allow Gravity Forms scripts
    return (get_post_type() == 'custom_post_type') ? true : false;

// Prevent Gravity Forms scripts from being added to all pages except those with the specified post type
add_filter('gform_force_hooks_js_output', 'allow_gform_scripts_on_post_type');