The gform_post_form_trashed action is triggered after a form is moved to trash in Gravity Forms, allowing further actions to be performed.
add_action('gform_post_form_trashed', 'my_function', 10, 1);
- $form_id (int): The ID of the form being moved to trash.
More information
See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_post_form_trashed
This action hook is located in forms_model.php
Send an email notification when a form is trashed
function send_trashed_form_email($form_id) { // Replace with your email address $to = '[email protected]'; $subject = 'Form Trashed'; $message = "A form with ID {$form_id} has been moved to trash."; wp_mail($to, $subject, $message); } add_action('gform_post_form_trashed', 'send_trashed_form_email', 10, 1);
Log trashed form details in a custom table
function log_trashed_form($form_id) { global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'trashed_forms'; $wpdb->insert($table_name, array('form_id' => $form_id, 'trashed_at' => current_time('mysql'))); } add_action('gform_post_form_trashed', 'log_trashed_form', 10, 1);
Automatically empty trash after a form is trashed
function empty_trash_after_form_trashed($form_id) { GFAPI::delete_forms(array($form_id), true); } add_action('gform_post_form_trashed', 'empty_trash_after_form_trashed', 10, 1);
Update a custom post type metadata when a form is trashed
function update_custom_post_on_form_trashed($form_id) { $args = array( 'post_type' => 'your_custom_post_type', 'meta_query' => array( array( 'key' => 'form_id', 'value' => $form_id, 'compare' => '=' ) ) ); $query = new WP_Query($args); if ($query->have_posts()) { while ($query->have_posts()) { $query->the_post(); update_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'form_trashed', true); } } wp_reset_postdata(); } add_action('gform_post_form_trashed', 'update_custom_post_on_form_trashed', 10, 1);
Redirect user after a form is trashed
function redirect_after_form_trashed($form_id) { wp_redirect(home_url('/form-trashed')); exit; } add_action('gform_post_form_trashed', 'redirect_after_form_trashed', 10, 1);