Using Gravity Forms ‘gform_view’ PHP action

The gform_view action allows you to perform additional actions based on the current form view in Gravity Forms.


add_action('gform_view', 'your_function_name');


  • $view (string) – The current form view. Some common views include “entries”, “entry”, “notification”, and “settings”.
  • $id (string) – The ID of the form being viewed.

More information

See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_view


Display a custom message on the “entries” view

This example shows how to display a custom message when the “entries” view is accessed.

add_action('gform_view', 'display_custom_message', 10, 2);
function display_custom_message($view, $id) {
    if ($view == 'entries') {
        echo 'Welcome to the entries view!';

Redirect users from the “settings” view

This example demonstrates how to redirect users away from the “settings” view of a specific form.

add_action('gform_view', 'redirect_from_settings', 10, 2);
function redirect_from_settings($view, $id) {
    if ($view == 'settings' && $id == '1') {

Add custom CSS class to the “notification” view

This example adds a custom CSS class to the body tag when the “notification” view is accessed.

add_action('gform_view', 'add_custom_css_class', 10, 2);
function add_custom_css_class($view, $id) {
    if ($view == 'notification') {
        add_filter('admin_body_class', function($classes) {
            return "$classes my-custom-class";

Log the form view

This example logs the form view and ID whenever a form view is accessed.

add_action('gform_view', 'log_form_view', 10, 2);
function log_form_view($view, $id) {
    error_log("Form view: $view, Form ID: $id");

Display a custom message based on the form ID

This example shows how to display a custom message when a specific form is accessed in any view.

add_action('gform_view', 'display_custom_message_based_on_id', 10, 2);
function display_custom_message_based_on_id($view, $id) {
    if ($id == '2') {
        echo "You are viewing form ID 2.";