Using Gravity Forms ‘gform_web_api_capability_put_forms’ PHP action

The gform_web_api_capability_put_forms Gravity Forms PHP filter allows you to modify the capability required to update forms via the web API.


add_filter('gform_web_api_capability_put_forms', 'my_custom_function');
function my_custom_function($capability) {
    // your custom code here
    return $capability;


  • $capability (string) – The capability required. Defaults to ‘gravityforms_create_form’.

More information

See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_web_api_capability_put_forms


Change capability to a custom one

Modify the required capability to update forms via the web API to a custom one called ‘my_custom_capability’.

add_filter('gform_web_api_capability_put_forms', 'change_capability_to_custom');
function change_capability_to_custom($capability) {
    return 'my_custom_capability';

Allow editors to update forms via the web API

Allow users with the ‘edit_others_posts’ capability (editors and administrators) to update forms via the web API.

add_filter('gform_web_api_capability_put_forms', 'allow_editors_update_forms');
function allow_editors_update_forms($capability) {
    return 'edit_others_posts';

Restrict form updates via the web API to administrators only

Restrict form updates via the web API to users with the ‘manage_options’ capability (administrators).

add_filter('gform_web_api_capability_put_forms', 'restrict_updates_to_admins');
function restrict_updates_to_admins($capability) {
    return 'manage_options';

Disable form updates via the web API

Disable form updates via the web API by setting the required capability to a non-existent one.

add_filter('gform_web_api_capability_put_forms', 'disable_form_updates');
function disable_form_updates($capability) {
    return 'non_existent_capability';

Change capability based on user ID

Allow a specific user (e.g., user ID 5) to update forms via the web API, even if they don’t have the default capability.

add_filter('gform_web_api_capability_put_forms', 'allow_specific_user_update_forms');
function allow_specific_user_update_forms($capability) {
    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    if ($current_user->ID == 5) {
        return 'read'; // or any other capability the user has
    return $capability;