Joomla 1.5 – Change "You already rated this Article today!" Message

This article describes how to change the ‘You already rated this Article today!’ message when a user tries to vote for an article which they’ve already voted for.


Please note, you may need to reapply the modification after a Joomla update.

This modification requires a very simple change to one of the Joomla configuration files, to do this you will need access to the files on the server (through cPanel, web disk, FTP etc).

  1. Browse to the folder: languageen-GB
    ** THIS FOLDER MAY BE DIFFERENT, Depending on which language the website is configured for **
  2. Find en-GB.com_content.ini
  3. Copy the file to your local computer
  4. Open the copied en-GB.com_content.ini with your preferred text editor (notepad, Dreamweaver etc)
  5. Navigate to line 113
    YOU ALREADY RATED THIS ARTICLE TODAY!=You already rated this Article today!
  6. Change to the desired message, for example:
    YOU ALREADY RATED THIS ARTICLE TODAY!=You have already rated this Article!
  7. Back on the servers directory, back up the original file and place the modified file in its place.