Excel – Formula for Current Roster Week

Excel can be used to manage team rosters – and can automate complex arrangements such as a two-weekly rotation.

This guide shows how to use a formula in Microsoft Excel to display the current roster week, alternating between “Week 1” and “Week 2”.

In this example – we will assume that Week 1 started with 1 January 2024, and that each week starts on a Monday.

Example Team Roster

Current Roster Week: [Current Roaster Week – Week 1 or Week 2]

Week 1

Name Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri
Alex WFH WFH WFH Office Office
Blake Office Office Office Office WFH
Casey Office Office Office WFH WFH

Week 2

Name Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri
Alex WFH WFH Office Office Office
Blake Office Office Office Office WFH
Casey Office Office WFH WFH WFH


  1. Open Excel File
    Open the Excel file where you want to track the roster week.
  2. Create a Cell for Current Roster Week
    Select a cell where you want the current roster week to be displayed (e.g., E1).
  3. Enter the Formula
    In the selected cell, enter the following formula:

    =IF(MOD(ROUNDDOWN((TODAY()-DATE(2024,1,1))/7,0),2)=0,"Week 1","Week 2")

  4. Apply and Verify
    Press Enter. The cell should now display either “Week 1” or “Week 2” based on the current date.

How does the formula work?

  • TODAY(): Returns today’s date.
  • DATE(2024,1,1): Specifies the start date (1 January 2024).
  • (TODAY() – DATE(2024,1,1)): Calculates the number of days since the start date.
  • /7: Converts days to weeks.
  • ROUNDDOWN(…, 0): Rounds down to the nearest whole number.
  • MOD(…, 2): Returns the remainder when divided by 2 (alternates between 0 and 1).
  • IF(…, “Week 1”, “Week 2”): Displays “Week 1” if the remainder is 0, otherwise “Week 2”.

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