The `get_page_by_title()` function in WordPress is used to retrieve a page based on its title, returning either an object, an associative array, or a numeric array
The `get_pagenum_link()` function in WordPress retrieves the link for a specific page number, which can be used to create custom pagination or navigate between pages
Learn how to use the WordPress 'get_next_posts_page_link' PHP function to retrieve the URL of the next set of paginated posts in your website, with examples and code snippets
The `get_next_comments_link()` function in WordPress retrieves the link to the next comments page, which can be used to create a dynamic link to additional comment pages
Getting Started With WordPress `get_hidden_columns()` Function==============================================================Learn how to use the `get_hidden_columns()` function in WordPress to retrieve a list of hidden columns for a specific screen