Using WordPress ‘global_terms_enabled()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `global_terms_enabled()` function in WordPress determines if global terms are enabled
Using WordPress ‘get_the_author_firstname()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Retrieve the first name of the author of the current post.
Using WordPress ‘global_terms()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Maintains a canonical list of terms by syncing terms created for each blog with the global terms table.
Using WordPress ‘get_year_link()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `get_year_link()` function in WordPress generates the permalink for the year archives using the `$year` parameter, which can be either an integer or false for the current year
Using WordPress ‘get_wp_title_rss()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `get_wp_title_rss()` function in WordPress retrieves the blog title for use in RSS feeds
Using WordPress ‘get_weekstartend()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Gets the week start and end from the datetime or date string from MySQL.
Using WordPress ‘get_user_to_edit()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `get_user_to_edit` function in WordPress retrieves user data and filters it using specific criteria
Using WordPress ‘get_user_setting()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Retrieves user interface setting value based on setting name.
Using WordPress ‘get_user_option()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Retrieves user option that can be either per Site or per Network.