Learn how to use the gform_noconflict_styles filter in Gravity Forms to register and enqueue your custom CSS styles for better form editing experience.Add the above meta description to the end…
Learn how to use the gform_noconflict_scripts filter in Gravity Forms to register and enqueue your custom script for use in the form editor page when no-conflict mode is enabled.
Learn how to use the gform_name_last Gravity Forms PHP filter to modify the “Last” label when creating the last name field. Customize the label for specific forms or languages with…
Learn how to use the Gravity Forms `gform_mailchimp_request_args` PHP filter to modify the request arguments before sending them to Mailchimp. Customize your requests with ease using this powerful tool!
Learn how to use the Gravity Forms 'gform_mailchimp_override_empty_fields' PHP filter to prevent empty form fields from erasing values already stored in the mapped Mailchimp MMERGE fields when updating an existing…
Learn how to use the 'gform_mailchimp_lists_params' PHP filter in the Gravity Forms Mailchimp Add-On to increase the maximum number of lists/audiences retrieved and improve your form functionality with expert tips…