The 'edit_user_{$field}' PHP filter in WordPress allows developers to modify user data before it is saved to the database. This can be useful for customizing user registration forms or adding…
The ‘edit_terms’ PHP action is a powerful tool in WordPress that allows developers to execute specific actions whenever a term is edited or updated. This action can be used for…
The `edit_term_taxonomy` WordPress PHP action is used to manipulate term-taxonomy relationships and can be utilized to perform various actions such as logging updates, preventing updates, adding a prefix to term…
The 'edit_{$taxonomy}_{$field}' PHP filter in WordPress allows developers to modify the value of a specific field within a taxonomy term. This can be useful for customizing the behavior of certain…
The `edit_attachment` WordPress action allows you to hook into the process of updating an existing attachment, by firing once an attachment has been updated
The 'edit_categories_per_page' PHP filter in WordPress allows developers to customize the number of categories displayed per page in the admin panel. This can improve the user experience and streamline the…