The article provides a solution for an issue where a zero appears before the Joomla 3 search module when the button is turned off. The problem can be fixed by…
The article provides a solution for users who encounter difficulty logging into the Joomla 2.5 administration panel when cache lite is enabled. The problem is resolved by renaming the 'cachelite.php'…
How to Recover SQL Database Password in Joomla - Learn how to easily retrieve lost SQL database credentials for your Joomla site using cPanel File Manager
Discover the full list of supported keywords for MySource Matrix, a content management system. Learn how to automate content creation and asset listings.
Learn how to create a multi-page jQuery Mobile template for building responsive mobile websites with easy navigation and stylish transitions.Meta Description: Build a mobile-friendly website using jQuery Mobile's flexible framework…
The article discusses how to detect and run JavaScript based on the user's country using PHP and the geoPlugin service. It provides an example of how to implement the solution…