Using WordPress ‘debug_fclose()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Learn how to use the WordPress 'debug_fclose()' PHP function to close the debugging file handle in your WordPress website development
Using WordPress ‘deactivate_sitewide_plugin()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Deprecated functionality for deactivating a network-only plugin.
Using WordPress ‘convert_invalid_entities()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `convert_invalid_entities()` function in WordPress converts invalid Unicode references range to valid ones, as demonstrated through various examples
Using WordPress ‘convert_smilies()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `convert_smilies()` function in WordPress converts text equivalents of smilies into their corresponding images
Using WordPress ‘deactivated_plugins_notice()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Renders an admin notice when a plugin was deactivated during an update.
Using WordPress ‘dbDelta()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress The `dbDelta()` function in WordPress allows modification of the database through the execution of SQL queries
Using WordPress ‘date_i18n()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Retrieves the date in localized format, based on a sum of Unix timestamp and timezone offset in seconds.
Using WordPress ‘dashboard_php_nag_class()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Adds an additional class to the PHP nag if the current version is insecure.
Using WordPress ‘dashboard_browser_nag_class()’ PHP function Written by Adrian Gordon WordPress Adds an additional class to the browser nag if the current version is insecure.