The `list_plugin_updates()` is a WordPress function that displays the upgrade plugins form, which can be used by calling the function without any parameters
The 'gform_system_status_page_SUBVIEW' PHP filter can be a powerful tool for customizing Gravity Forms system status pages. By using this filter, developers can modify the content and layout of these pages…
The `remove_submenu_page()` function in WordPress allows you to remove a specific submenu item from the administrator dashboard by removing its link from the parent menu's submenu array
The `remove_menu_page()` function in WordPress allows you to remove top-level admin menus using code, with parameters for specifying the menu slug and function hook integration
Finds a script handle for the selected block metadata field. It detects when a path to file was provided and finds a corresponding asset file with details necessary to register…
How to use the `recurse_dirsize()` WordPress function to quickly calculate the size of a directory, including all subdirectories and files, with examples and best practices for performance